Sunday, June 24, 2007

still a long way to go!

welcome to insideSource -- those of you who know me well, know i was reticent to blog. well, our eagerness to keep you in the loop about source won out over my aversion to the latest form of electronic publicity. i have invited cudc staff, board members, project architects, neighbors and pretty much anyone else involved with the revitalization of source to post their thoughts and feelings here. as youll see in the coming months, major changes are underfoot but we have a long way to go. hard to believe this process started about 18 months ago. seems like just last week, i was sitting in c/m graham's conference room trying to make the case for saving the building.

in case you are new to this effort, cudc bought source after convincing the board of source theatre company that we could afford to buy it, renovate it and operative as a collaborative performance facility. this idea was our response to the community outcry against the plan to sell the theatre and create a grant fund with the proceeds. our hope is to raise $3M, fully renovate the place and reopen it by next march. if you would like to get involved, give us a call. we would love to have you help create the dynamic, multi-user performing arts space that will be the new source. and if you have been to source lately, come see constellation theatre's A Dream Play running through july 8th. cheers!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

CuDC at the Helen Hayes Awards

At April's Helen Hayes Awards, CuDC was honored to accept the Washington Post Award for Innovative Leadership in the Theatre Community for our commitment to restoring Source. Watch CuDC Executive Director Anne Corbett's acceptance speech:

Up & Running

InsideSource's very first post- our technorati profile: Technorati Profile More to come soon!