Friday, November 30, 2007

Inside Source Has Moved...

Hello Readers,

Just a quick note to let you know that Inside Source has moved; our new, improved blog can be found at

So come visit and find out what's new with Source!

Don't forget to change your bookmarks to the new Inside Source blog.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Noi Chudnoff

We are all stunned and saddened with the passing of Noi Chudnoff, who died unexpectedly on Tuesday November 6. A unique soul, Noi was owner of the 14th Street design shop Go Mama Go! and a generous benefactor of SOURCE and many local gay and arts focused organizations. A public memorial will be held at SOURCE at 2PM on Saturday, November 10th to gather, share tribute and remember Noi. For additional Information, please visit

Photograph by Todd Franson / Metro Weekly

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pack Rats, Be Warned!

I remember in college whenever I had a big paper due I would use cleaning my room as a means to procrastinate, thinking that a spotless space would lend towards a clear mind. The practice has stayed with me except now the tasks are a lot larger than a term paper and to make up for it I have an entire house maintain. And although CuDC really isn’t trying to procrastinate with renovating SOURCE, I still have the same creeping feeling that I have to clean it out before we get to work on it and you would not believe the amount of stuff we have to clear out. When CuDC purchased SOURCE it came with a mountain of old office furniture, set pieces, files, archives, costumes, props and knick knacks that are just plain weird. We’re doing our best to preserve everything that is salvageable or has history to it. Pat Sheehey was making regular trips to pick out important Source Theatre archive materials. Old company members have made frequent visits to what I affectionately call “the pile” to pull out that useful door, chair or prop that was used in another production long ago.

You have to understand that there literally is a “pile” of garbage that can fill more than one industrial sized dumpster on the second floor that is slated to be taken out with demolition. CuDC was able to save a lot of props and furniture from becoming landfill during a Dog Days of August Sidewalk Sale. Yet even from the broken and less useful props left behind a lot of history can be discerned. Considering what shows have been at SOURCE, I shouldn’t surprised by the amount of (mostly) fake weaponry. I’ve found swords, rifles, pistols, maces, spears, grenades, bullwhips, handcuffs, laser blasters, dynamite and detonators. There was also a coffin lid. Some props may or may not want to be claimed (red rubber crotchless underwear, anyone?) There is also an inordinate amount of filing cabinets and office furniture in various states of usefulness and disrepair and a few computers that can now be qualified as antiques, most of which may be making an appearance on Craigslist any day now. Don’t be afraid to call us if you think you can use any of it!

-Travis Bowerman, Director of Operations

Friday, November 2, 2007

Source: Not Just for Theatre

Cara Pomponio, Director of Development for Cultural Development Corporation, is excited to add Source to her list of favorite alternative live music venues around town.

I’ve seen lots of theatre at Source over the years—Psycho Beach Party with Daniel Escobar in 1992 is a stand out—but what I’m really looking forward to is Source being a multi-disciplinary venue, so in addition to theatre we’ll have dance, music, comedy, and pretty much anything else you can think of. One of my favorite things to do is listen to live music and I love all the different clubs in the area: Black Cat, 9:30, DC9, etc. However, I also love seeing music in alternative venues, i.e. churches, rec. centers, galleries, parks, etc. and now we’ll have Source as another great alternative space for live music. My friend Norm Veenstra who is a member of the instrumental rock band Tone curated a music festival at Source in 2003 called Speechless in which he invited several instrumental bands/artists to play sets, including: Amy Domingues, 302 Acid, Southkill, and Tone. It was an amazing evening and made me see what a perfect music venue Source is. Something Norm and I often talk about is how there are lots of people in the area who love seeing live music, but for whatever reason—age, “real” jobs, families, just can’t stand for 4 hours (which I guess goes back to the age issue)—don’t get out as much as they’d like to hear bands. With an 8:00pm start time, comfy seats and getting home before midnight, seeing bands at Source could be like going to see the NSO at Ken Cen, only much cooler and without that expensive parking.